California Study Finds Air More Dangerous Than Drivers
By Stephen Markley
March 5, 2015
Here’s why it pays to be concerned about the environment: Because a bad situation costs — namely lives and money.
A recent study by California State University, Fullerton, found that air pollution in the two most populated regions in the state killed more people than traffic accidents. In 2006, there were 2,521 vehicular deaths in the San Joaquin Valley and South Coast Air Basin, compared to 3,182 deaths cause by respiratory illness related to particle pollution.
Ozone emitted from gas-powered cars and particulate matter that chuffs out of diesel tailpipes has already been linked to all kinds of respiratory and coronary problems, including asthma and chronic bronchitis.
The health effects also extend to the economy in terms of health care expenses, lost days of work, school absences and lost income potential from unexpected deaths. It’s difficult to put a dollar amount on how much California’s severe air pollution actually costs, but the study estimates that simply bringing the air into compliance with federal ozone and particulate standards could save $28 billion annually.