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Ford Introduces Owner-Experience Program for Fiesta

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Following up on its intensive social media campaign for the all-new Fiesta, Ford is adding an owner-experience program that relies heavily on social connectivity.

Upon buying a Fiesta, owners will get an interactive USB drive that contains the owner’s manual as well as introductions and links to the larger Fiesta-owner community, podcasts, enthusiast clubs and merchandise. Ford calls it the “Fiesta unpackaging experience.”

Mostly, this includes features such as community photo sites, podcasts that explain features and functions of the car, and a Fiesta community app. “Fiestapedia” is an app that allows owners to share tips and ideas with each other. There’s also a photo-editing application that allows owners to switch out backgrounds on Fiesta pictures.

There are a few interesting ideas here, but you’d have to be pretty obsessed with your compact car to spend time adding fake backgrounds for your car. Fiesta Chatroulette, anyone?

Ford Puts ‘Fiesta Movement’ Inside Dealerships (Media Post)

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