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London Man Arrested for Walking Dog With Car

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In a case of either extreme laziness or animal endagerment or both, a London man was arrested after walking his dog from his slow-moving car. The 23-year-old owner rolled down the window of the driver’ side door and held the leash out while the dog ran alongside the car.

Two bicyclists called police and said they thought he was dragging the dog — a lurcher, a crossbreed of various hounds similar to a greyhound — when they saw it go by. The man has lost his license and was fined. He also admitted that it was a lazy act. We’re just surprised this hasn’t happened in the U.S. And now we know what a lurcher is.

Lazy man walks dog with car, loses license(

David Thomas
Former managing editor David Thomas has a thing for wagons and owns a 2010 Subaru Outback and a 2005 Volkswagen Passat wagon.
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