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New York City Hero Gets Free Jeep Patriot

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Wesley Autrey, the courageous man who leapt onto New York subway tracks to save a man who had fallen in front of an oncoming train, no longer has to take public transit. On top of other rewards he has already won, Jeep is giving Autrey one of its new Patriot small SUVs, along with a year-long parking pass in appreciation for his act.

When we first heard word of the story, the car rumored was a Jeep Compass. The automaker must have realized that wouldn’t be much of a prize and decided on the new Patriot instead. Not only is this guy brave, he’s lucky, too.

[New York City ‘Subway Hero’ Gets Free Jeep, The New York Times]

David Thomas
Former managing editor David Thomas has a thing for wagons and owns a 2010 Subaru Outback and a 2005 Volkswagen Passat wagon.
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