New England and Great Lakes states saw the biggest decrease in car accident deaths in 2011, with the former down 7.2% and the latter down 3.3%. However, traffic deaths were up 3.3% in California, Arizona and Hawaii in 2011.
For the most part, though, the numbers have been in a steady decline throughout the country during the last five years, with fatality rates decreasing 26% from 2005 to 2011.
AAA says several factors have caused the decline, namely that U.S. motorists drove 1.2% fewer miles last year and gas prices increased 6.7%. Vehicles are also getting safer, with more safety features becoming standard equipment on new cars each year.
News Editor Jennifer Geiger joined the automotive industry in 2003, much to the delight of her Corvette-obsessed dad. Jennifer is an expert reviewer, certified car-seat technician and mom of three. She wears a lot of hats — many of them while driving a minivan.