The SAE, whose standards influence everything from cargo specs to horsepower, invited panelists from automakers, suppliers, universities and more to its annual conference in Detroit. So-called “semiautonomous” technology, which fuses collision-detection and steering technologies to keep you in your lane and far enough from the car ahead, will hit the market much sooner, experts said.
The potential for driver distraction spawned debate, the Detroit News reports. After all, a self-driving car would seem to only encourage more texting — or sleeping, reading, you name it — and if you had to remain as alert behind the wheel as if you were driving, the benefits would diminish. Such systems offer high safety potential, given most accidents result from human error, but should any malfunction cause an accident, one expert said it would turn the discussion on its head. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in October it would launch a $1.75 million multiyear research project to determine the human controls necessary in driverless cars.
Before any car enthusiasts declare this the worst automotive development since the automatic transmission, note that one survey suggests a lot of average Joes want it.