It has been seven long years of silver domination. If you own a silver car, you’ve no doubt lost it in a parking lot as it blends in with the sea of other vehicles the hue of the sky during a winter storm. Tastes change, however, and buyers now seem to prefer good old white to silver.
White and White Pearl narrowly beat out Silver and Black/Black Pearl to top this year’s most popular car paint colors, as determined by DuPoint. The company has tracked this race for 55 years.
If you’ve seen a new Audi in white, you probably understand why luxury buyers are one group that has shifted toward white, perhaps tipping the scales for this year’s win. Even more buyers of silver cars are picking darker shades of gray. Globally, red saw growth of 2%, which was a bit of a surprise.
David Thomas
Former managing editor David Thomas has a thing for wagons and owns a 2010 Subaru Outback and a 2005 Volkswagen Passat wagon.