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Video: 2008 Chicago Auto Show Ford Offers Tool-Tracking Help

02:09 min
By Editors
May 13, 2009

About the video's Joe Bruzek talks with Ford reps about their new Work Solutions program, meant to help truck users keep an eye on their tools.


(energetic rock music) Hi, this is Joe Bruzek from Ford is offering some new features for business owners called Ford Work Solutions. These features include an in-dash computer with internet access, as well a tool tracking system.
Here to explain these features is Ed Pleet from Ford. So this is the in-dash computer. It has handsfree call capability using your Bluetooth phone and the Ford Work Solutions, which includes a word processor, a spreadsheet capability, and full internet access. Another unique feature is the feature called Tool Link, which is a tool tracking system. What it does is it actually allows you to put RFID tags on any tool or anything that's of value for you. And this example here shows that the carpentry job is red, telling me that I'm not ready to do the job. If I was to open that up, it's gonna tell me that I'm missing my cordless drill. The last thing on the computer that I'd like to show you is actually another feature called Crew Chief, that allows you to track your vehicles. Actually, with the computer, you can see where your vehicles are located with that internet access. So, what's the cable back here? So, the cable lock, which was developed with Master Lock, is really a theft deterrent. We heard from our customers, where things are getting stolen from the back of their pickup box, so what we did is we developed an 8' long cable, a retractable cable system, it's actually a 1/2 inch thick steel cable, and it has a cuff-style end that allows you to lock on to any tool or through something and then back onto the cable, back to a cleat, or to the other side of the pickup box to deter thieves from stealing anything in the pickup box. Now, all of these features, are they gonna come as a package or are they a la carte? That's a good question, they're actually a la carte, with the only exception for Tool Link, the RFID tool tracking system. You actually need a computer to get that, but otherwise everything else is a la carte. The Ford Work Solutions will be available this fall. As of right now, there's no official pricing, but when pricing does come we'll be sure to announce it at <v Announcer>For additional information on this car or any other, go to and our blog, Kicking Tires.