Video: Date Cars: Men/ Part 3
By Editors
July 27, 2009
About the video hits the streets to ask men which cars send the right signals on a first date.
<v Announcer> Auto Reviews. Hi, I'm Lauren. And I'm Emily with We're here at the taste of Chicago, And we're trying to figure out what your car says about you on a first date.
(rock music) So what would you think if your date picked you up in this Camaro? I'd have to keep dating her, that's a nice car. I'd uh, take the car. Damn girl! Yes. Hell yeah. Uh, she's gotta be hot. Ballsy. I would say how you doin'. And a minivan? Drive away, I have enough kids already. It screams family. Oh, I dated a girl who drove a minivan. Not too good. Uh, sexy soccer mom. Um, I think she's trying to get away from her husband. Probably gots kids, not my thing. Mom? (laughing) Grandma? How about the Chrysler? Now that looks serious. That looks like a, an insurance salesman's car. She's like 50. It's like a grandpa car. That's what I was thinking. I would be a big fan. <v Lauren>How about the Miata? Uh, doesn't do it for me. I would probably only go in the Miata if the top was down. I wouldn't trust her. That's a nice compact car. I don't know if I'd fit in it. I think I'd just take the car, not the girl. What would be so wrong with the girl if the car is so cool? It's a girl. And a beater. Dear God, no. No, that's okay, thank you. She's probably interesting. My kind of girl. Yeah! That's my type of woman, I'm telling you. Yeah, she's easy going for sure, you know? That's definitely some sort of a hillbilly. That, I probably wouldn't even be caught dead in that car. Or alive. Probably lives in a cabin in the woods. Uh, that's a lot of rust. I would go straight for that. The date would be over right there. <v Announcer>For more car related news go to or our blog,