This is a race car
I've had my 2000 Galant for almost a year. and it has over 160,000 miles on it. it has no exhaust and it's very loud. Best car I've ever owned when it comes to gas mileage. Drives good in snow. this car has never let me down. I traded it for 97 Cadillac once but immediately traded back. this car is amazing and it really is a race car. i recommend it to anyone
- Comfort 4.0
- Interior 3.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 3.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Having fun
- Does recommend this car
Most reliable vehicle I have ever owned
This was the BEST vehicle I have ever purchased . It was great on gas ! It was an outstanding car to drive to work, vacation, children games. Best car I ever owned!
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 4.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 4.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a New car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car
Most reliable car!!
it is a very large frame car, but the inside is a bit compact! It is reliabile and totally gets me to where I need to go! It's lasted 17yrs!
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 3.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 2.0
- Exterior 3.0
- Reliability 3.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car