Most reliable car I've owned
I wouldn't drive any other car, have had a KIA for the pass 10 years, reliable, easy to drive and has given me good mileage.
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 5.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a New car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car
Great affordable compact car
My husband and I bought this car to replace our 2003 Ford Focus. We were looking for a smaller car with good gas mileage to get him to and from work each day. This is a really nice compact car. It fits our child's large car seat in the back seat and the car seat still needs to be rear facing (a must for us). We were also looking at Ford Fiestas but the back seats were much smaller and didn't fit our needs. The Kia Rio had decent reviews rated a 4/5 overall. That is how I would also describe this car. It is not a car with a ton of bells and whistles but it is updated, gets great gas mileage and was a great upgrade from the older focus that we traded in. The 2017 Kia Rio that we purchased also has never had any recalls on it yet, so that was also a nice bonus. The back seat seams to feel larger than the backseat of our older focus so that is also a plus. If you are looking for a car that can get you too and from easily, good gas mileage, affordable, and a compact style car, the Kia Rio is a really nice option and one that I would recommend.
- Comfort 4.0
- Interior 4.0
- Performance 4.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 4.0
- Reliability 4.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car
First time car buyer, very happy with my decision.
I love the display panel, everything is well lit. All controls is not complicated. The seating is very comfortable, you can adjust the height of the seat. Love the Sirius radio that is available. Came with 3 months free. Yay!!!! It cost only 25 dollars to fill up and I burn midgrade.
- Comfort 4.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 4.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car