Great vehicle, one of the all time best I've owned
Have owned three Fusion's over the years. One gas Fusion Titanium and two Fusion Energi plug in hybrids. All were GREAT vehicles! Comfortable, drove and rode well, only routine maintenance/service required and very good in the snow. Ford discontinuing this car was a HUGE mistake! Wake up Dearborn Michigan!
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 5.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car
Lincoln without the badging for $7000 less!
Excellent luxury vehicle. Considered Lincoln, but this platform is identical for much less. Be sure to get the fully loaded model, 2018 or newer. Has all the latest safety features- moonroof is very nice also!
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 4.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 5.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Having fun
- Does recommend this car
Amazing car
I only get gas once every 6 weeks. If I lived in the city it would probably last longer. Great luxury sedan. Probably the best car out there for saving money and gas.
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 4.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 5.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car