I love my little red ILX.
I leased this car on Dec. 26, 2020. I bought it from the Dealer two weeks ago and now it's mine. I love the car the only problem I have had with this car is the battery, 2 of them and the car was still under warranty and didn't cost me anything.
- Comfort 4.0
- Interior 4.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 4.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a New car
- Used for Having fun
- Does recommend this car
Love it!
Got this when I was looking for a smaller entry level luxury car, non -turbo and with a lower cost to own. Try to get the premium, for the dual screens and carplay.
- Comfort 5.0
- Interior 5.0
- Performance 5.0
- Value 5.0
- Exterior 5.0
- Reliability 5.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does recommend this car
One of the first rules in looking at used cars is to Never, Never trust the paint condition if they show it to you wet! And these crooks put a wet car inside under their lights! Of course it looks nice, All paint looks nice wet. Dry and polish that car so the consumers can see what the paint really looks like!
- Comfort 3.0
- Interior 3.0
- Performance 3.0
- Value 3.0
- Exterior 3.0
- Reliability 3.0
- Purchased a Used car
- Used for Commuting
- Does not recommend this car